2024 Love Data Week

2024 Love Data Week banner

February 12-16, 2024 marks the annual international celebration of Love Data Week. Love Data Week is a celebration of data, taking place every year during the week of Valentine's day. This year the theme of Love Data Week is “My Kind of Data” - because data is personal - to learn about data equity and inclusion, disciplinary communities, and creating a kinder world through data.

The University of Minnesota is participating in Love Data Week by hosting data events and educational opportunities (see Calendar below) targeted towards UMN faculty, staff, and students and by participating in the Big Ten Academic Alliance Data Viz Championship.

Host a Data Event During Love Data Week

UMN faculty, staff, and students: do you have an event / training / anything data-related that is already (or could be) happening during Love Data Week (February 12-16, 2024)? Help us curate the calendar listed below of all UMN data-related happenings during that week and by submitting the Love Data Week event submission form.

UMN Love Data Week Calendar of Events


UM Analytics: Creating Basic Analyses and Dashboards

Monday, February 12

This course is designed for University of Minnesota employees who need to work with enterprise data and will focus on using UM Analytics, the University's data analytics platform, to create, format, and manipulate analyses and dashboards. The course is self-paced, and trainees will have seven business days to complete the training based on the start date. Available to UMN employees only. 

More information here


Tuesday, February 13 9:30am - 11:00am

IDEAA is UMN-driven interest group that meets regularly to share information and discuss all topics related to data integration, including projects large and small, data, processes, and technology.

More information here

Web GIS 101: Introduction to Mapping with ArcGIS Online

Tuesday, February 13 1:00pm - 4:00pm

If you are new to GIS, this three-hour workshop is for you. Through a combination of lectures, demos, and hands-on activities, participants will learn the fundamentals of designing and sharing web maps using Esri’s ArcGIS Online. Topics covered include: finding and preparing data for mapping, map design, spatial analysis, and sharing web maps.

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Data friendship bracelets - Wilson Library edition

Wednesday, February 14 10:00am - 11:30am

Let’s wear our data on our sleeve/wrist with ORCID id, DOI, or other favorite data visualizations via friendship bracelets like Taylor and Travis. Join us to make bracelets and talk data; documentation, ORCID id, and data sharing. Be in community with folks who dig data - no data experience necessary. Supplies provided.

More information here

Surveys Simplified: A Brief Guide on Conducting Effective Surveys

Wednesday, February 14 11:00am - 12:00pm

Have you thought about administering a survey or feel like you need a refresher? Join University Survey and Assessment Services (survey.umn.edu) for a big picture view on conducting effective surveys. This webinar is for complete beginners with no previous survey experience to those who have done a few surveys before but would like a refresher on key points for conducting good surveys. 

In this webinar, we'll cover: 
1. Identifying when a survey is the appropriate method to answer your questions of interest, regardless of context (e.g., academic research, administrative research, program evaluation, etc.). 
2. How to develop an effective objective or research question when using a survey. 
3. How to define your target population and where to find survey participants. 
4. Common pitfalls to avoid in survey question design, sampling, and data analysis. 
5. Campus resources for conducting surveys.

More information here

Data Storytelling SIG

Wednesday, February 14 1:00pm - 2:00pm


The Data Storytelling SIG is made up of University members who are interested in all phases of data storytelling - from data collection to transformation, analysis and delivery/communications. The group hosts presentations five times a year.

More information here

A love note for future you: Setting up useable survey documentation

Wednesday, February 14 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Metadata, or data that gives information about other data, is essential for reproducible research. This workshop will focus on survey metadata within Qualtrics and its relationship to conducting reproducible research. We will also focus on best practices in Qualtrics to help you ensure data integrity and to make your data management and analysis processes more efficient.
This session is designed to be a 1.5 hour webinar/workshop with 30 minutes for general questions at the end. This workshop will cover: - How to edit survey metadata in Qualtrics; - Best practices for creating, editing, and archiving survey metadata; - Tips for improving your data management process in Qualtrics. To be successful, you should:
- Have logged into umn.qualtrics.com and activated your account.
- Have basic experience with Qualtrics. 

More information here

Data friendship bracelets - Walter Library edition

Wednesday, February 14 1:30pm - 3:00pm

Let’s wear our data on our sleeve/wrist with ORCID id, DOI, or other favorite data visualizations via friendship bracelets like Taylor and Travis. Join us to make bracelets and talk data; documentation, ORCID id, and data sharing. Be in community with folks who dig data - no data experience necessary. Supplies provided.

More information here

Introduction to the Institutional Data & Research (IDR) website

Thursday, February 15 9:00am - 9:30am

Interested in learning more about officially-reported data about the University of Minnesota? This event is for you. In this webinar, we will walk through the Institutional Data & Research (aka IDR) website, provide overviews of the content areas and available reports, and show how you can submit a data request.

More information here

IDR Secured Enrollments dashboard training

Thursday, February 15 10:00am - 10:30am

This training will serve as a quick introduction to the Enrollments dashboard on IDR Secured. We will cover what’s in the dashboard, where the data comes from, and how to use it to find what you are looking for. This quick introductory training is scheduled for roughly 10-20mins.

More information here

Data Voyages: Explore the Data Science behind Game Creation

Thursday, February 15 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Explore the Data Science behind the making and playtesting Card and Board Games with Zach Tewalthomas and John Leo from Fantasy Flight. Please join us in Walter Library room 402 from 3-4pm for an informative 30 min talk followed by a question and answer session.

More information here

IDR Secured Retention & Graduation rates dashboard training

Friday, February 16 10:00am - 10:30am

This training will serve as a quick introduction to the Retention and Graduation rates dashboard on IDR Secured. We will cover what’s in the dashboard, where the data comes from, and how to use it to find what you are looking for. This quick introductory training is scheduled for roughly 10-15mins.

More information here

BTAA Data Viz Showcase

Friday, February 16 1:00pm

Each entrant in the BTAA Data Viz Championship will be invited to present their work at the Data Viz Showcase on February 16 at 1:00pm Central time. The results of the previous week's voting period will be announced and the challenge winners crowned.

Congratulations to the UMN Twin Cities winning student and faculty/staff category visualizations, who will compete against BTAA peer institutions at the BTAA Data Viz Showcase.

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